Response 676644395

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Visitor facilities - proposed new forest trail and visitor centre

We are planning to create a new waymarked nature activity trail from the proposed new visitor centre. The map shows the proposed route. If you would like to suggest an alternative route please draw your suggestion on the map.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

  • Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.
    Cynnwys data OS Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron a hawliau cronfa ddata OS 2025.

Visitor facilities - your views

Overall, how would you rate the current visitor facilities at Arlen Hill Forest?

Parking Very happy Radio button: Not checked Very happy Parking Happy Radio button: Not checked Happy Parking Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Parking Unhappy Radio button: Checked Unhappy Parking Very unhappy Radio button: Not checked Very unhappy Parking Don't know/doesn't apply to me Radio button: Not checked Don't know/doesn't apply to me
Information and waymarking Very happy Radio button: Not checked Very happy Information and waymarking Happy Radio button: Checked Happy Information and waymarking Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Information and waymarking Unhappy Radio button: Not checked Unhappy Information and waymarking Very unhappy Radio button: Not checked Very unhappy Information and waymarking Don't know/doesn't apply to me Radio button: Not checked Don't know/doesn't apply to me
Toilets Very happy Radio button: Not checked Very happy Toilets Happy Radio button: Not checked Happy Toilets Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Toilets Unhappy Radio button: Checked Unhappy Toilets Very unhappy Radio button: Not checked Very unhappy Toilets Don't know/doesn't apply to me Radio button: Not checked Don't know/doesn't apply to me
Litter bins Very happy Radio button: Not checked Very happy Litter bins Happy Radio button: Not checked Happy Litter bins Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Litter bins Unhappy Radio button: Checked Unhappy Litter bins Very unhappy Radio button: Not checked Very unhappy Litter bins Don't know/doesn't apply to me Radio button: Not checked Don't know/doesn't apply to me
Accessibility for those with mobility issues Very happy Radio button: Not checked Very happy Accessibility for those with mobility issues Happy Radio button: Not checked Happy Accessibility for those with mobility issues Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Accessibility for those with mobility issues Unhappy Radio button: Checked Unhappy Accessibility for those with mobility issues Very unhappy Radio button: Not checked Very unhappy Accessibility for those with mobility issues Don't know/doesn't apply to me Radio button: Not checked Don't know/doesn't apply to me
Accessibility for those with young children Very happy Radio button: Not checked Very happy Accessibility for those with young children Happy Radio button: Not checked Happy Accessibility for those with young children Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Accessibility for those with young children Unhappy Radio button: Checked Unhappy Accessibility for those with young children Very unhappy Radio button: Not checked Very unhappy Accessibility for those with young children Don't know/doesn't apply to me Radio button: Not checked Don't know/doesn't apply to me

Do you agree with the plan to open up the northern Conservation Area of the forest for sensitive use by visitors by building a new visitor centre and creating a new nature trail?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
If you wish to explain your answer please do so here
Yes, as long as the development is managed sensitively and the new building is in keeping with the forest environment

What would you most like to see in the new visitor centre? Please rank the following in order of importance to you, with 1 being the most important and 6 the least.

Please rank these from 1 to 6
Information about the wildlife and plants found in the forest
Fun educational nature activities for families and children
Wildlife viewing platform with binoculars for visitor use
Wildlife feeding station
Educational room for community groups and schools
Do you have any other suggestions? Please add them here
It would be really nice to hold seasonal themed events there

Visitor parking at the forest

Where do you park most often when you visit Arlen Hill Forest? Place a pin on the map to show the locations where you most often park, whether official car park or unofficial roadside verge or gateway. (You can place up to two pins).

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

  • Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.
    Cynnwys data OS Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron a hawliau cronfa ddata OS 2025.

Visitor parking - your views

Do you agree with the proposal to increase the size of the northern car park?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
If you wish to explain your answer please do so here
Yes, we support creating a better visitor experience and there is not enough parking currently

Do you agree with the proposal to create a new visitor car park?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
If you wish to explain your answer please do so here
Yes, we support creating a better visitor experience and there is not enough parking currently

Visitor safety and anti-social behaviour in the forest

Have you experienced anti-social behaviour in the forest or have felt concerned for your safety? Draw on the map to show any areas where you have experienced incidents. You will be able to add comments on the next page.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

  • Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025.
    Cynnwys data OS Ⓗ Hawlfraint y Goron a hawliau cronfa ddata OS 2025.

Safety and anti-social behaviour in the forest - your views

If you marked area(s) of concern on the map on the previous page please give details about your experiences and concerns here.

If you marked an area or areas of concern on the map on the previous page please give details about your experiences and concerns here.
Our members have witnessed littering around the car parks, some fly tipping on the verge by the main car park and also litter from disposable barbecues and food wrappers on the viewpoints at Coe Cragg

In general how safe do you feel in Arlen Forest?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Very safe
Radio button: Ticked Fairly safe
Radio button: Unticked Neutral
Radio button: Unticked Fairly unsafe
Radio button: Unticked Very unsafe
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

How big a problem do you feel that anti-social behaviour, including littering, is in Arlen Hill Forest?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Major problem
Radio button: Ticked Minor problem
Radio button: Unticked No issues
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Is there anything we could do to reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour and improve the feeling of safety of forest users?

Is there anything we could do to reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour and improve the feeling of safety of forest users?
A campaign of awareness, more bins, lighting in the car parks

Your response to the Arlen Hill Forest Plan

Do you agree with the Objectives and Proposals for tree species and habitat, as outlined in this Forest Plan?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
If you wish to explain the reasons for your answer please do so here
We fully support the proposals

Do you agree with the Objectives and Proposals for future logging practices in the forest, as outlined in this Forest Plan?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
If you wish to explain the reasons for your answer please do so here
We fully support the proposals

Is there anything else you feel should be added to the Arlen Hill Forest Plan?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

About You

What is your name?

Mr T. Fisher

Are you responding as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Individual
Radio button: Ticked Organisation

If you are responding on behalf of an organisation please give the name here

Friends of Arlen Hill Forest