Response 874837094

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Outcomes from stage 1 community feedback

Which part of the draft master plan would you like to go to first?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Transport
Radio button: Unticked Parks and green spaces
Radio button: Unticked Development
Radio button: Unticked None, take me to the end of the survey

Transport: your views on the proposals

Do you agree with the proposed changes displayed on the previous page?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes, I agree with the changes
Radio button: Unticked No, I do not agree with the changes

Can you suggest additional locations for any of the following changes?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Cycle/pedestrian lane
Radio button: Unticked Street lighting
Radio button: Unticked Intersection upgrades
Radio button: Unticked None of the above

Transport: street lighting suggestion

Where in the study area do you believe that street lighting could be improved? You may draw up to 3 areas.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Transport: about your street lighting suggestion

Can you suggest additional locations for any of the following changes?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Cycle/pedestrian lane
Radio button: Ticked Intersection upgrades
Radio button: Unticked None of the above

Transport: cycle/pedestrian lane suggestion

Can you suggest any other roads that should have dedicated pedestrian and/or cycle paths in the area, in addition to the current proposed changes? You may choose up to 3 roads.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Transport: about your cycle/pedestrian lane suggestion

Can you suggest additional locations for any of the following changes?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Street lighting
Radio button: Unticked Intersection upgrades
Radio button: Unticked None of the above

Transport: intersection upgrade suggestion

Can you suggest any other intersections that need improvement? You may choose up to 3.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Transport: about your intersection upgrade suggestion

Can you suggest additional locations for any of the following changes?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Cycle/pedestrian lane
Radio button: Unticked Street lighting
Radio button: Ticked None of the above

Where now?

Which section would you like to go to now?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Parks and green spaces
Radio button: Unticked Development
Radio button: Unticked None, take me to the end of the survey

Community, landscaping and green space: additional tree planting sites

Where would you like to see more trees? Please highlight up to 3 roads that would benefit from tree planting.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Green space: about the proposal and your suggested tree growing sites

Why did you choose these sites?

Why did you choose these sites?
These parks are relatively flat at the moment and could do with some shading for reading your book under when it's hot.

Green space: additional improved planting suggestions

Can you suggest any additional sites that would benefit from planting? You may select up to 3 sites.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Green space: play area suggestions

Can you suggest either extensions to proposed play areas or additional areas that would be suitable to build a playground? You may draw up to 3 areas.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Where now?

Which section would you like to go to now?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Transport
Radio button: Ticked Development
Radio button: Unticked None, take me to the end of the survey

Building development

Please draw around one area on the map that you believe should be either lower or higher in the final master plan.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

About your building height suggestion

If you selected an area on the previous page, do you believe it is currently too high or too low?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Too high
Radio button: Unticked Too low

How many storeys do you propose this area should be built up to?

How many storeys do you propose this area should be built up to?
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked None
Radio button: Unticked 1-2
Radio button: Ticked 3-4
Radio button: Unticked 5-6
Radio button: Unticked 6-7
Radio button: Unticked 8-9
Radio button: Unticked 10+

Can you suggest any other building height changes for the final master plan?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

Building development

Please draw around one area on the map that you believe should be either lower or higher in the final master plan.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

About your building height suggestion

If you selected an area on the previous page, do you believe it is currently too high or too low?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Too high
Radio button: Ticked Too low

How many storeys do you propose this area should be built up to?

How many storeys do you propose this area should be built up to?
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked None
Radio button: Unticked 1-2
Radio button: Ticked 3-4
Radio button: Unticked 5-6
Radio button: Unticked 6-7
Radio button: Unticked 8-9
Radio button: Unticked 10+

Where now?

Which section would you like to go to now?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Transport
Radio button: Unticked Parks and green spaces
Radio button: Ticked None, take me to the end of the survey

Your details

What is your name?

Derek Gosling