Response 1035760489

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Dangerous routes

We would like to find out about roads in Arlen Hill that you believe are dangerous, which daily routes you take and new bike shelter locations. Of these options, which would you like to comment on first?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Your usual cycle route
Radio button: Unticked Ideal locations for new bike shelters
Radio button: Unticked Dangerous roads/junctions in Arlen Hill
Radio button: Unticked None, take me to the end of the survey

Your cycle routes

Please draw your most common cycle route on the map below.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Your chosen route

How safe do you currently feel when taking this route?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Very safe
Radio button: Ticked Safe
Radio button: Unticked Neutral
Radio button: Unticked Unsafe
Radio button: Unticked Very unsafe

Which of the following journeys do you use the route for?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked To or from work
Radio button: Unticked To or from school, college, university or adult education
Radio button: Ticked To or from the shops
Radio button: Unticked To accompany children or other people
Radio button: Unticked To or from a leisure / sports activity
Radio button: Unticked To pick up or deliver something
Radio button: Unticked Simply for pleasure
Radio button: Unticked As exercise for health reasons, not to anywhere in particular
Radio button: Unticked Not applicable / I do not cycle or walk
Radio button: Unticked Other

How often do you use the route you have drawn?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Less than once a week
Radio button: Ticked Once or twice a week
Radio button: Unticked Three to four times per week
Radio button: Unticked More than five times per week
Radio button: Unticked Daily

What sort of cyclist are you?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked I am new to cycling
Radio button: Unticked I am starting to cycle again
Radio button: Unticked I am an experienced, regular cyclist
Radio button: Ticked I am an experienced, occasional cyclist
Radio button: Unticked I am an occasional cyclist
Radio button: Unticked Not applicable / I do not cycle

Which section would you like to answer now?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Ideal locations for new bike shelters
Radio button: Unticked Dangerous roads/junctions in Arlen Hill
Radio button: Unticked Neither, take me to the end of the survey

New bike shelter location

Please indicate on the map below, where you feel would be a suitable location for a bike shelter.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Your bike shelter location

Why did you make this suggestion?

Why did you make this suggestion?
Near lots of amenities

How many bikes would this shelter ideally hold?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Up to 10
Radio button: Unticked 11 - 20
Radio button: Unticked 21 - 30
Radio button: Unticked 31 - 40
Radio button: Ticked 41 - 50
Radio button: Unticked 51 - 60
Radio button: Unticked 61+

Is the shelter near any of the below places? You may choose as many options as you like.

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Supermarket
Checkbox: Unticked Shops
Checkbox: Ticked Place of worship
Checkbox: Ticked Park/green space
Checkbox: Ticked Nursery/school/college
Checkbox: Ticked Major transport hub
Checkbox: Unticked Hospital/doctors
Checkbox: Unticked Other

Which section would you like to answer now?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Your usual cycle route
Radio button: Ticked Dangerous roads/junctions in Arlen Hill
Radio button: Unticked Neither, take me to the end of the survey

Where are there issues?

Please indicate on the map below, roads or junctions that you believe are particularly dangerous. You may choose up to 2 areas.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

What is this issue?

Have you experienced problems here first hand?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

How safe is this location for cyclists?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Very safe
Radio button: Unticked Safe
Radio button: Unticked Not safe or dangerous
Radio button: Ticked Dangerous
Radio button: Unticked Very dangerous

How can we make this area safer? (select all that apply)

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Improve the lighting
Checkbox: Unticked A wider cycleway
Checkbox: Unticked Improve crossing points
Checkbox: Ticked Make safer for walking
Checkbox: Unticked Fewer cyclists
Checkbox: Unticked Fix the road
Checkbox: Ticked Other
If you answered 'Other' please specify
Introduce cycle path

Which section would you like to answer now?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Your usual cycle route
Radio button: Unticked Ideal locations for new bike shelters
Radio button: Ticked Neither, take me to the end of the survey

Your details

What is your name?

Tom Simmons