Response 80618192

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Where do you hand gather?

In which region do you hand gather shellfish?

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

East midlands

Where do you hand gather shellfish?

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

About your hand-gathering

What species do you gather at this site?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Winkles
Checkbox: Unticked Cockles
Checkbox: Unticked Native oyster
Checkbox: Ticked Scallops
Checkbox: Unticked Clams
Checkbox: Unticked Other

How much do you gather per session on average?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Less than 100g
Radio button: Unticked 101g - 1kg
Radio button: Unticked 1-5kg
Radio button: Ticked 5-10kg
Radio button: Unticked 10-50kg
Radio button: Unticked 50-100kg
Radio button: Unticked More than 100kg

How often do you go hand fishing?

How often do you go hand fishing?
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked More than once per day
Radio button: Unticked Once per day
Radio button: Unticked A few times per week
Radio button: Ticked Once per week
Radio button: Unticked A few times per month
Radio button: Unticked Once per month
Radio button: Unticked Less than once per month

Do you sell your catch?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

About you

What is your name?

Susan Yang

What are your areas of interest?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Fishing industry
Checkbox: Ticked Land owner
Checkbox: Unticked Marine conservation
Checkbox: Unticked Research
Checkbox: Unticked Government department
Checkbox: Unticked Recreational activities
Checkbox: Unticked NGO
Checkbox: Unticked Other

We would like your permission to publish your response. Please indicate your publishing preference:

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Publish response
Radio button: Unticked Publish response anonymously (this will remove all personal identifiers including name and organisation)
Radio button: Unticked Do not publish response