Response 871383534

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Planning for sea level rise and the RMA

Which part of the regeneration plan would you like to view/comment on first?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Activity and play
Radio button: Unticked Food and culture
Radio button: Unticked Experiencing nature
Radio button: Unticked Connecting people and place
Radio button: Unticked None, take me to the end of the survey

Regeneration plan: connecting people and place | tangata me te waahi

If you would like to suggest pedestrian/cycle routes, please draw up to 3 on the map below.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Connecting people and place: your suggestions

Which facilities do you feel it is most important to have a connection to in the regeneration area? Please select up to 3.

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Natural spaces
Checkbox: Ticked Educational facilities
Checkbox: Ticked Play facilities
Checkbox: Unticked Restaurants and cafés
Checkbox: Unticked Cultural spaces
Checkbox: Unticked Social areas (i.e., picnic spots)
Checkbox: Unticked Other

What facilities would you like to see in "connecting people and place" areas?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Picnic spots
Checkbox: Ticked BBQ's
Checkbox: Ticked Transport network
Checkbox: Unticked Gardens/orchards
Checkbox: Unticked Toilets
Checkbox: Unticked Educational facilities
Checkbox: Unticked Other

Where would you like to go now?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Activity and play
Radio button: Ticked Food and culture
Radio button: Unticked Experiencing nature
Radio button: Unticked None, take me to the end of the survey

Regeneration plan: activity and play | mahi me te takaro

If you would like to suggest facilities to be included in the activity/play areas, please use the mapping tool to highlight where you would place them on the map below. You may select up to 3 areas.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Activity and play: your suggestions

What activity/play facilities would you like to see at this site?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Natural climbing frames
Checkbox: Unticked Swimming pool
Checkbox: Unticked Skate park
Checkbox: Unticked Wildlife education areas
Checkbox: Unticked Allotments/gardens
Checkbox: Ticked Other
If "other", please write down the type of activity/play facility you would like to see in the box below.
Inflatable water obstacle course
Please write any additional comments you have here.
Perhaps there should be one for adults and a smaller one for children.

Where would you like to go now?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Connecting people and place
Radio button: Unticked Food and culture
Radio button: Unticked Experiencing nature
Radio button: Unticked None, take me to the end of the survey

Regeneration plan: food and culture | kai me te ahurea

If you would like to suggest facilities to be included in the food and culture areas, please use the mapping tool to highlight where you would place them on the map below. You may select up to 3 areas.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Food and culture: your suggestions

If you suggested sites on the previous page, what would you like to see in these locations?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Food growing sites/allotments
Checkbox: Unticked Cafés/restaurants
Checkbox: Unticked Designated BBQ sites
Checkbox: Unticked Traditional cooking workshops
Checkbox: Unticked Music events
Checkbox: Ticked Other
If "other", please specify in the box below.

Where would you like to go now?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Connecting people and place
Radio button: Unticked Activity and play
Radio button: Ticked Experiencing nature
Radio button: Unticked None, take me to the end of the survey

Regeneration plan: experiencing nature | āhua tūturu

If you would like to suggest facilities to be included in the experiencing nature areas, please use the mapping tool to highlight where you would place them on the map below. You may select up to 3 areas.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

Experiencing nature: your suggestions

If you selected sites on the previous page, what would you like to see in these areas?

What would you like to see in these areas?
Bird watching huts

Where would you like to go now?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Connecting people and place
Radio button: Unticked Food and culture
Radio button: Unticked Activity and play
Radio button: Ticked None, take me to the end of the survey

Your details

What is your name?

Ruben Wolfe

We would like your permission to publish your response. Please indicate your publishing preference:

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Publish response
Radio button: Unticked Publish response anonymously (this will remove all personal identifiers including name and organisation)
Radio button: Unticked Do not publish response