Response 840276240

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Unsafe areas

Please highlight on the map below, an area where you have experienced harassment of some form, or you feel unsafe in.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

About this area

What happened in this area/why do you feel unsafe here?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Verbal harassment
Checkbox: Unticked Unwanted touching or groping
Checkbox: Ticked Flashing/indecent exposure
Checkbox: Ticked Stalking
Checkbox: Unticked Spiking
Checkbox: Unticked Lack of street lighting
Checkbox: Unticked Dark wooded area nearby
Checkbox: Unticked Other
Checkbox: Unticked Prefer not to say

Where were you when you experienced this?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Public transport
Radio button: Ticked Street
Radio button: Unticked Park
Radio button: Unticked Pub/bar
Radio button: Unticked School
Radio button: Unticked College
Radio button: Unticked Work
Radio button: Unticked Other

What time did this occur?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Morning (6am-11am)
Radio button: Unticked Midday/Lunch (11-2pm)
Radio button: Ticked Afternoon (2-6pm)
Radio button: Unticked Evening (6pm-12am)
Radio button: Unticked Night (12am-6am)

Did you report this incident?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No / not applicable
Radio button: Unticked Prefer not to say

Would you like to suggest where street lighting could be improved in the town centre?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes, I'd like to suggest areas for improvement
Radio button: Unticked No, take me to the end of the survey

Town centre light improvements

Using the mapping tool, please highlight up to 3 streets on the map below that you believe should have better street lighting.

Below is an interactive map showing the respondent's answer.

About you

What age group do you belong to?

What age group do you belong to?
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked 0-15
Radio button: Unticked 16-29
Radio button: Ticked 30-49
Radio button: Unticked 50-69
Radio button: Unticked 70-89
Radio button: Unticked 90+
Radio button: Unticked Prefer not to say

What is your religion/belief?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked No Religion
Radio button: Unticked Christian
Radio button: Unticked Buddhist
Radio button: Unticked Hindu
Radio button: Unticked Jewish
Radio button: Unticked Muslim
Radio button: Ticked Sikh
Radio button: Unticked Any other religion/ belief
Radio button: Unticked Prefer not to say

What is your sexual orientation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Heterosexual
Radio button: Ticked Lesbian
Radio button: Unticked Gay
Radio button: Unticked Bisexual
Radio button: Unticked Other
Radio button: Unticked Prefer not to say

What is your relationship status?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Married
Radio button: Unticked Civil partnership
Radio button: Unticked Single
Radio button: Unticked Other
Radio button: Unticked Prefer not to say

What is your race/ethnicity?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Arab
Radio button: Unticked Asian/Asian British - Indian
Radio button: Unticked Asian/Asian British - Pakistani
Radio button: Unticked Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi
Radio button: Unticked Asian/Asian British - Chinese
Radio button: Unticked Asian/Asian British - Other
Radio button: Unticked Black/Black British - African
Radio button: Unticked Black/Black British - Caribbean
Radio button: Unticked Black/Black British - Other
Radio button: Unticked Mixed - White and Black Caribbean
Radio button: Unticked Mixed - White and Black African
Radio button: Unticked Mixed - White and Asian
Radio button: Ticked Mixed - Other
Radio button: Unticked White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British
Radio button: Unticked White - Irish
Radio button: Unticked White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Radio button: Unticked White - Other
Radio button: Unticked Any other ethnic group
Radio button: Unticked Prefer not to say

What sex were you assigned at birth?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Female
Radio button: Unticked Male
Radio button: Unticked Other
Radio button: Unticked Prefer not to say

Is your gender the same as your assigned sex at birth?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

We would like your permission to publish your response. Please indicate your publishing preference:

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Publish response
Radio button: Unticked Do not publish response